Wednesday, 13 January 2010


Third Reflection

Organizing the core elements of my professional life as an eportfolio, has truly been a growth experience for me. All of the thoughts, ideas, passions, and perspectives were in my head can be expressed in this eportfolio. This growth is reflected by the updated artifact and professional vitae information. I realized that it was sorely the element of the eportfolio need to be updated, and the structure has been streamlined and improved. Like the original creation of the eportfolio, this revision process has been challenging and quite intresting.

The artifacts created and included in this portfolio include a wide variety of studying tools implemented in my classroom. Taken collectively, the artifacts demonstrate professional capability, creativity, and significant professional growth. Those artifacts used directly with the individual reflection, cover letter, resume, recommendation letter and the brainstorming comment from another friends. They was helped me creating a more interactive to my blog. The problem statement guidelines and graphic organizers are creative approaches toward addressing the needs of my felow friends in an online delivery system.

The creation of this eportfolio has been an important part of discovering, implementing, and evaluating new teaching tools in our english communication class. I have seen a dramatic increase in the motivation, cooperation, and reflection skills of my friends through the implementation of new ideas. In order to do so, I challenged myself to step away from the routine, away from the mundane, and to embrace new assessment to gain my self confidence.

One of the most important aspects of the portfolio creation process was the emphasis on personal reflection. As I prepared each artifact for inclusion in the portfolio, I reflected on the process of implementation as well as the effect the artifact had on my lesson and professional development. In a broader sense, I reflected on the past, present, and future status of my career as I put together a new resume, revisited my philosophy of learning, and developed my goals for both studying and professional development. My greatest inspiration for continued reflection was from my friend and as I observed their increased enthusiasm and awareness of their own learning, I was inspired to personally develop a more reflective view of my studying and professional development.

In the future, I will continue to develop this eportfolio as a living my activities, report, document, performence and portrait. I will also continue to regularly and rigorously evaluate my own studying and professional development to seen the value of reflective analysis. Then, i will also regularly revisit my professional goals and evaluate my progress blog of my eportfolio.

Throughout the portfolio development and revision process, I have grown my confidence level as well. I hope to continue this growth, and this eportfolio will be a helpful tool in demonstrating and evaluating my continued professional development.

Second reflection

I have done my mock interview with my beloved lecturer, Ms H on March 04 2010. This was an enlightening and educational experience for me personally. After going through this interview, I have come to realize the great importance of being a good and an effective communicator in our daily lives. This interview has taught me that there is more to effective communication than just verbal and written communication. These skills can be put to good use when I am applying for internships or when I graduate from UTem in the year 2012. I have acquired essential skills on preparing (e.g. researching on the company that I am applying for a job) and performing confidently at my real job interviews.

In the past, having to sit at the interviewee’s chair and being stressed out by the hard questions posed by interviewers was one of my biggest fears. I am thankful that I was able to be involved in a mock job interview that allowed me to have an insight and review on the possible interview questions that may be asked in an actual interview. After going through several weeks on job search communication tutorials, I am more confident now when it comes to job applications and interviews.

I got alot of advantages by using this eportfolio such as got change to interact with other student esspecially my classmate. i also can discussed with them how to improve my eportfolio and asked them to explain their ideas. They also can ask me to explained my idea and discussed their ideas with me. From eportfolio, i found that i got to critically reflect on my own learning, my selected artifact,my new idea present in this class, how to become a better learner, and also my own achievement. Then, I got to reflect on my learning when my browsing my friends eportfolio and also when getting feedback from them.

I have improved my communication skills when browsing my friends eportfolios and improved the content of my eportfolio entries based on feed back frommy peers.I have presented artifact in meaningfull ways and relevant to me as well as selected and presented realistic task.Iwas easy to postand respond to entries in the eportfolio and also fun to use. The eportfolio allowed tool like video,audio, images,etc to be include. It took only a short time to learn how to use the eportfolio and it had allowed easy navigation.

First Reflection

Recently, we got a lecture from mis L.. that was a last day we spend together.. she is getting fly back to Australia next week .we got alot of information and explanation about eportfolio along her classes.. ms L is a good lecturer...she say that we can still interact with her via email or trough her blog... She is getting view for our blog and comment for our post frequently.

I Would like to thank to ms L because introducing eportfolio to us.. I can see that eportfolio can be used for lifelong learning in the context of tertiary teaching.. The eportfolio which is built via a blog can encourage my self and another student to reflect on the formative feedback our receive as part of our assignment marking.. I had discovered a valuable exercise in self assessment through the reflection process.. My self esteem and self-confidence will be enhanced in order to built in this eportfolio by generate a new idea at a high level..

I can develop my own goals for my learning.. From here, i will learn and begin to practice a process that will be used in life long and life wide learning pursuits from this eportfolio.. Other than that, i have a tool for personal development and personal learning record.. people can view my information such as my resume, personal biodata, researh, job information and others thing from my blog.I also can receive credit for informal learning as well as formal learning..

Then, I will have direction for career planning and feedback from teachers and peers which is a feedback in the form of comments, as opposed to marks.. Trough eportfolio, I will have a concrete way of showcasing strengths to teachers or future employers.. I may also have needed documentation for prior learning assessment or program credits.. Beside that, i will receive credit towards a course completion or towards my graduation.. Lastly, i think this tool is really good for our future beside can be used eveywhere and anytime.... :)


Ir. Datok Carroll said...

ok kaklong, nice blog.. keep up your entry... and everyone could love to read your blog...


hirzi mujeini said...

Excellent reflection and I'm totally agreed with you. keep it up and good luck.


Greetings. Congratulations on your produced entry. However,to make your entries shine i suggest you to improve your grammar so that people will see a good language user and that you are able to communicate well with other people. I would like to suggest you to type your articles in microsoft word and check the grammar automatically before transferring it to the blog. Best of luck.

joan said...

Good effort. Continue to work on your eportfolio and comment on your friends' work.

Are Lee said...

Hi!it's good to see you publishing more entry recently.Nice and simple entry to be read.Hope to see more creative entry from you and not just restricted on academic content.The video that you included is kinda nice thing to be included.Happy blogging!

p/s: please be free to follow my blog too. -Azhari-

farhana said...

Hi everyone… Thanks because having your time to view my blog. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your comment as well. It was especially generous of you to let me improve my English skill communication and built in my self confident. Your comment really means a lot to me.
Thank you for giving me the chance to succeed on this blog!

camping lalala~~~