Wednesday, 13 January 2010



Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet so many people struggle to find it. Sadly, this can be a vicious circle: People who lack self-confidence can find it difficult to become successful.
After all, most people are reluctant to back a project that's being pitched by someone who was nervous, fumbling and overly apologetic.
On the other hand, you might be persuaded by someone who speaks clearly, who holds his or her head high, who answers questions assuredly, and who readily admits when he or she does not know something.
Self-confident people inspire confidence in others: their audience, their peers, their bosses, their customers, and their friends. And gaining the confidence of others is one of the key ways in which a self-confident person finds success.
The good news is that self-confidence really can be learned and built on. And, whether you’re working on your own self-confidence or building the confidence of people around you, it’s well-worth the effort!


Third Reflection

Organizing the core elements of my professional life as an eportfolio, has truly been a growth experience for me. All of the thoughts, ideas, passions, and perspectives were in my head can be expressed in this eportfolio. This growth is reflected by the updated artifact and professional vitae information. I realized that it was sorely the element of the eportfolio need to be updated, and the structure has been streamlined and improved. Like the original creation of the eportfolio, this revision process has been challenging and quite intresting.

The artifacts created and included in this portfolio include a wide variety of studying tools implemented in my classroom. Taken collectively, the artifacts demonstrate professional capability, creativity, and significant professional growth. Those artifacts used directly with the individual reflection, cover letter, resume, recommendation letter and the brainstorming comment from another friends. They was helped me creating a more interactive to my blog. The problem statement guidelines and graphic organizers are creative approaches toward addressing the needs of my felow friends in an online delivery system.

The creation of this eportfolio has been an important part of discovering, implementing, and evaluating new teaching tools in our english communication class. I have seen a dramatic increase in the motivation, cooperation, and reflection skills of my friends through the implementation of new ideas. In order to do so, I challenged myself to step away from the routine, away from the mundane, and to embrace new assessment to gain my self confidence.

One of the most important aspects of the portfolio creation process was the emphasis on personal reflection. As I prepared each artifact for inclusion in the portfolio, I reflected on the process of implementation as well as the effect the artifact had on my lesson and professional development. In a broader sense, I reflected on the past, present, and future status of my career as I put together a new resume, revisited my philosophy of learning, and developed my goals for both studying and professional development. My greatest inspiration for continued reflection was from my friend and as I observed their increased enthusiasm and awareness of their own learning, I was inspired to personally develop a more reflective view of my studying and professional development.

In the future, I will continue to develop this eportfolio as a living my activities, report, document, performence and portrait. I will also continue to regularly and rigorously evaluate my own studying and professional development to seen the value of reflective analysis. Then, i will also regularly revisit my professional goals and evaluate my progress blog of my eportfolio.

Throughout the portfolio development and revision process, I have grown my confidence level as well. I hope to continue this growth, and this eportfolio will be a helpful tool in demonstrating and evaluating my continued professional development.

Second reflection

I have done my mock interview with my beloved lecturer, Ms H on March 04 2010. This was an enlightening and educational experience for me personally. After going through this interview, I have come to realize the great importance of being a good and an effective communicator in our daily lives. This interview has taught me that there is more to effective communication than just verbal and written communication. These skills can be put to good use when I am applying for internships or when I graduate from UTem in the year 2012. I have acquired essential skills on preparing (e.g. researching on the company that I am applying for a job) and performing confidently at my real job interviews.

In the past, having to sit at the interviewee’s chair and being stressed out by the hard questions posed by interviewers was one of my biggest fears. I am thankful that I was able to be involved in a mock job interview that allowed me to have an insight and review on the possible interview questions that may be asked in an actual interview. After going through several weeks on job search communication tutorials, I am more confident now when it comes to job applications and interviews.

I got alot of advantages by using this eportfolio such as got change to interact with other student esspecially my classmate. i also can discussed with them how to improve my eportfolio and asked them to explain their ideas. They also can ask me to explained my idea and discussed their ideas with me. From eportfolio, i found that i got to critically reflect on my own learning, my selected artifact,my new idea present in this class, how to become a better learner, and also my own achievement. Then, I got to reflect on my learning when my browsing my friends eportfolio and also when getting feedback from them.

I have improved my communication skills when browsing my friends eportfolios and improved the content of my eportfolio entries based on feed back frommy peers.I have presented artifact in meaningfull ways and relevant to me as well as selected and presented realistic task.Iwas easy to postand respond to entries in the eportfolio and also fun to use. The eportfolio allowed tool like video,audio, images,etc to be include. It took only a short time to learn how to use the eportfolio and it had allowed easy navigation.

First Reflection

Recently, we got a lecture from mis L.. that was a last day we spend together.. she is getting fly back to Australia next week .we got alot of information and explanation about eportfolio along her classes.. ms L is a good lecturer...she say that we can still interact with her via email or trough her blog... She is getting view for our blog and comment for our post frequently.

I Would like to thank to ms L because introducing eportfolio to us.. I can see that eportfolio can be used for lifelong learning in the context of tertiary teaching.. The eportfolio which is built via a blog can encourage my self and another student to reflect on the formative feedback our receive as part of our assignment marking.. I had discovered a valuable exercise in self assessment through the reflection process.. My self esteem and self-confidence will be enhanced in order to built in this eportfolio by generate a new idea at a high level..

I can develop my own goals for my learning.. From here, i will learn and begin to practice a process that will be used in life long and life wide learning pursuits from this eportfolio.. Other than that, i have a tool for personal development and personal learning record.. people can view my information such as my resume, personal biodata, researh, job information and others thing from my blog.I also can receive credit for informal learning as well as formal learning..

Then, I will have direction for career planning and feedback from teachers and peers which is a feedback in the form of comments, as opposed to marks.. Trough eportfolio, I will have a concrete way of showcasing strengths to teachers or future employers.. I may also have needed documentation for prior learning assessment or program credits.. Beside that, i will receive credit towards a course completion or towards my graduation.. Lastly, i think this tool is really good for our future beside can be used eveywhere and anytime.... :)



To some, the mass parking lot and levelled car park are quite common terms. It is because these two types of parking lot are embedded in most of our everyday routine. Generally, both of the parking spaces have their own benefits and limitations. Nevertheless, it is difficult to choose the best option since every people have their own perspective. Therefore, this report recommended the more preferable type of parking space in UTeM where the opinions have been given by the Asset Management & Development officer as well as the staff and students as the respondents for this task. It also briefly explains on the construction cost of both parking spaces. This report will state the estimate cost of constructing both of the parking space. Other than that, the capasity of each parking lot will also be stated in this report. For this part, each parking lot should be able to include the same number of vehicles at the same time. Other aspects, which relates to the facilities of the parking space are also discussed in this report. This report is meant to recommend the best solution to be adapted by UTeM’s Asset Management & Development Office to solve the problem of limited parking space in UTeM for students and staffs. Furthermore, the other perks will be suggested too in order to comfort the users. The more preferable solution has been obtained through questionnaires that have been given to the UTeM’s students and staffs. The other method used including interview with appropriate officers from Asset Management & Development Office, internet as well as opinions from students of other universities. The results were explained based on the method of investigation. Based on the investigation, it shows that the levelled car park is more preferable compared to mass parking lot. The importance of this report is to explain the advantages and disadvantages of both mass parking lot and levelled car park as well as recommend the best solution in order to solve the parking problem in UTeM.


1.1 Objectives

The recommendation report is a response to both students’ and staffs’ according to lack of parking space in Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UteM). Thus, as a member of the Students Representative Council (MPP), two options will be analyzed. Then, the best solution will be recommended in order to solve the parking space problems to UTeM’s office of Asset Management & Development. The two solutions that we will analyze would be whether to have mass parking lot or leveled car park.
The main objective of this recommendation report is to recommend the best option to be adapted by UTeM’s Asset Management & Development Office to solve the problem of limited parking space in UTeM for students and staffs. Moreover, the other perks will be suggested too such as to add more parking spaces which are located nearer to faculty. In addition, the parking space will be completed with high security system for the vehicles parked there.

1.2 Methods of Investigation

In order to complete this analysis, there are several methods that have been used several in order to get the informations. The main source of our informations is internet. Generally, internet stored a lot of information and it is very easy to search for the informations needed. The other method is interviewing appropriate officers from Asset Management & Development Office. After referring to the office, the range of cost that should be spent can be estimated. Furthermore, more constructive ideas can be taken from the officers since they have more experiences on how to handle the matters. The third method of investigation is handing out questionnaires to students and staffs from various faculties and departments. This method is the most important to collect more opinions according to this project. Finally, more information, solution and recommendations will be taken from students of other universities to obtain more information.

1.3 Scope

This recommendation report will discus about the two options to solve the parking problem in UTeM. Both of the options are mass parking lot and leveled car park. This report will only discus on the construction cost, facilities and capacity. The other criteria for instance the building design and the area of the building will not be included in this report.

1.4 Organization

The first part of this report is an introduction to the task. This part includes objectives, methods of investigation, scope and problem definition. It will be followed by the data tabulation and analysis which is the result from questionnaires and interview. The next chapter will recommend the best option to solve the parking matter in UTeM. Finally, the last chapter will be the conclusion on the findings.

1.5 Problem Definition

The car parks in UTeM are not sufficient for both staffs and students. The high rate of having vehicle is due to the huge area of campus which is too inconvenient to go around without any transport. It is wasting a lot of time and energy to move from one building to another. The very great number of vehicles has caused the unorganized traffic. This situation happens because the drivers who are late had to park at the illegal places when there are no parking spaces. The environment will become messy and affect the harmonic study condition. To solve the problem, more car parks should be built since there is still a lot of free land in the campus. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages for both mass parking lot and leveled car park. Hence, the best option needs to be chosen to ensure the problem can be solved.


The criteria that have been established for the recommended solution are as follows:
1. Price must be efficiently allocated.
2. Capacity of the parking lot must be at least 500 spaces, including cars and motorcycles for each faculty and department.
3. Parking lots must be near to where classes or activity venues.
4. Parking spaces must not be too small so that it can occupy all types of common vehicles used by students and staffs.
5. Security issues.

3.2 PART B – Informations from Other Sources

Price must be efficiently allocated.

Both parking lots have similar prices. This is due to the amount of land to be used, construction, and also perks. The mass parking lot consumes an enormous amount of land. Thus, to fit 500 vehicle on one piece of land is not only wasteful; it is also not environmentally friendly. Furthermore, in order to have a roofed mass parking lot and pedestrian pathway, more money should be allocated to construct this. On the other hand, leveled car park does not necessarily need to consume a large patch of land to fulfill the 500 car spaces targeted. It is suggested that one level will allocate only 100 spaces, thus reducing the size of land by one fifth than of used for mass parking lot. Additionally, the leveled car park will not only be roofed automatically, the topmost roof can be made into a garden so, it will make up for the used land below.

Capacity of the parking lot must be at least 500 spaces, including cars and motorcycles for each faculty and department and must be near to where classes or activity venues.
Due to the amount of parking spaces specified, most UTeM spaces close to faculties and other buildings are small and might not be sufficient to make room for a mass car park. Thus, in this case, leveled car park is more suitable to be constructed in most parts of UTeM’s departments and faculties.

Security issues

There are a few security issues regarding both parking lots. Firstly, it is unsuitable to put CCTV at a mass parking lot because it may be exposed to whether conditions and make its life span shorter. However, it is known that most students have just got their driving license. Thus, the mass parking lot would be a safer option to avoid accidents compared to leveled car park. This is due to the spiraling or the escalating the vehicle up the leveled car park. On the other hand, leveled car park is safer because CCTV can easily be installed and it is not exposed to whether conditions. Thus, the leveled car park can be monitored all the time.


The leveled car park is recommended as the more preferable solution for the problem of limited parking space in UTeM for student and staff in terms of cost, capacity and facility compared to the mass parking lot. This report only investigated at the basic level. Hence, any further improvement should be practiced if necessary for the continued establishment of the parking in the university. There are several factors need to be considered in the future including the capacity of the parking lot. The university should provide more area in order to build the level car park. This will ensure that the parking space at each faculty may include until 1000 vehicles per time. This proactive action may lead to the decreasing of parking space problems. The next factor is the parking lot must be located at the center of the university area. In contrast, other solution like build the car park at the roof top might be considered in order to make students and staffs easily to go to their places. Besides, parking spaces must not be too small so that it can occupy all types of common vehicles used by students and staffs. Additional steps that would be interesting to look at include, determining the price that must be efficiently allocated and the facility must be provided into this parking level such as CCTV and security services. Into the bargain, the university may provide the car wash side at the parking lot since most of the staffs and students do not have much time to wash their car. From this kind of activity, the university may get the profit. In addition, the income can be used to maintain the car park area.


After completing this analysis, it is shown that leveled car park is the best option to be adapted by UTeM’s Asset Management & Development Office with the purpose of solving the problem of limited parking space in UTeM for students and staffs. This is due to the limited space of area. It is more competitive, reasonable and able to include more than 100 parking spaces per level. With the intention to get the result, several methods have been used such as questionnaires, interview and discussions. Based on the feedback of the questionnaires, it is found that most of the staffs and students prefer to have a leveled car park since this type of parking space is more secure, gives more profit to pedestrians, better organization of parking space and more enviroment friendly. In contrast, from the internet, discussions and interview, there are several items that should be considered in choosing the best solution of parking space for example cost, security issues, location and the total area of the parking space. Based on the stated characteristics, leveled car park is the best options due to reduce the parking space problem in UTeM.


Department of Languages. (2009). Technical Communication 1- Degree Programme. UTeM.
Department of Languages. (2009). Communication at the Workplace. UTeM.
Wrightington Hospital. (2000). Wrightington Hospital- A Centre of Excellence. Retrieved March 28, 2010 from http: // www. wiganleigh. Internet/ Home/ Hospitals/ wrightington.asp
PPMA Parking. (2005). Parking Brochure. Retrieved March 28, 2010 from



This questionnaire is conducted in order to research the best solution of the parking space problems in UTeM. Please tick (P) in your appropriate answer.

1. Which type of parking space do you prefer?
( ) Mass parking lot
( ) Leveled car park

2. Which perk do you think is more important to have in a parking lot?
( ) Roofed parking spaces
( ) Roofed pedestrian passage
( ) Security
( ) Organizing of parking space
( ) Enviromentally friendly

3. Which type of parking space do you think have higher security?
( ) Mass parking lot
( ) Leveled car park

4. Which type of parking space do you think will profit pedestrians more?
( ) Mass parking lot
( ) Leveled car park

5. Which type of parking space do you think provides a better organization of parking space?
( ) Mass parking lot
( ) Leveled car park

6. Which type of parking space do you think is environmentally friendly?
( ) Mass parking lot
( ) Leveled car park

7. Which type of parking space do you think is appropriate to be applied in UTeM?
( ) Mass parking lot
( ) Leveled car park

Thank you for your cooperation.


Farhana Binti Hairani

Ms .............................,
Human Resources Manager,

Dear Madam,

Application for Design Engineer

I am writing to inform you of my interest for the position of Design Engineer as was recently made available in your company. I recently obtained my Degree from the University Technical Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) with a second Class Upper Division in Mechanical Engineering (Design and Innovation). I have acquainted myself with a range of skills that would allow me to blend with the Design stuff, and propel the team to new height of success.

I had my practical training at Boustead Yacht Sdn. Bhd. I got a lot of experience to fabricate and assemble parts of design base on drawing given by contractor. I also had Learn and participate in the design development and modification of various structures, equipment and systems for new build. I got some knowledge to valuate existing designs of engineering systems to determine the operational effectiveness, safety, and relative cost of such systems.

Apart from being a proactive learner, I was actively involved in extra-curricular activities inside and outside of campus. I was the deputy chairman for the Photography Club, as well as the Secretary for the science and mathematic Club. My enthusiastic involvement in many activities outside of the academic circle has served me well in nurturing my leadership and communication skills, which are essential to succeed in the working world.

Together with the cover letter, I attach here with my resume for your full consideration. I appreciate your time reviewing my application, and it will be a pleasure for me to attend an interview with you at your convenient time.

Yours sincerely,

Farhana Binti Hairani
Enclose: Resume


camping lalala~~~